Nicholas A. Danes, PhD
Top Albums 2024
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This is a one-off to my blog. Not sure if I’ll update again soon, but I wrote this post on social media and wanted to mirror it here. We’ll see if in 2025 I start actively blogging again.

My top ten albums of 2024 (in no particular order):
State Faults - Children of the Moon. Probably got the most play time out of anything in this list. Perfect blend of screamo, and melodic post-hardcore.
Favorite track: No Gospel
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Delta - Blue Garden. Math rock with a bit more indie twist.
Favorite track: Glow
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NO MAN - Glitter and Spit. The best hardcore band with the most important political message in our times. Also absolutely wonderful humans.
Favorite track: March of Ides
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Toe - Now I see the Light. The Japanese math rock darlings are finally back.
Favorite Track: WHO KNOWS?
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Alkaline Trio - Blood, Sweat, and Eyeballs. Always a soft spot for this band and the last recorded record with Derek Grant.
Favorite track: Teenage Heart -
Envy- Euonia. All their albums lately kind of sound similar, but I still can’t get enough of it. Another banger.
Favorite track: Whiteout
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Flesh Tape - Gargoyle. Very biased here, since frontman Larson is my band mate and friend. I also had the honor of filling on bass for this band for a tour, so I ended up listening to this record a lot. This record deserves more love than I’ve seen. PS: PLAY SUNNY LIVE.
Favorite track: “Sunny”
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Pedro the Lion - Santa Cruz. I always come back to David’s Bazan’s music. I fell off the wagon for a come albums (just not paying attention), but “Santa Cruz” really brought me back.
Favorite track: Don’t Cry Now
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Love Letter - Every Wants Something Beautiful. Quinn Murphy’s vocals have always had a soft spot in my heart, going back to the What Feeds the Fire / Verse days. It’s nice to see them active on the mic. Music is melodic yet driving, and fiercely speaking truth to power.
Favorite track: Misanthropic Holiday or Vacation
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Sabrina Carpenter- Short n’ Sweet. A bit of a guilty pleasure, but @amandakrstic got me hooked. Usually a pop album shows on these lists for me anyways. Not much to say, just catchy and great vocals. Also this lady has the horniest lyrics I’ve heard in pop in a while lol.
Favorite track: Juno